Saturday, 23 April 2011

What Went Wrong

 I  was never confused,
 You always made me feel amused. 
 Our feelings for eachother were always pure,
 I  thought we both were hundred percent sure.
 We knew eachother in and out
 being fake was never a doubt.
 Everything was going like a dream,
 suddenly our relation started moving downstream.
 Our love was keeping us together bind,
 I still dont know why you started using your mind.
 We promised our relation base will be honesty,
 am surprised why you broke this policy.
 There was complete transparency between us,
 the day you stopped dat i felt like being run over by a bus.
 My care for you was termed as worry,
 You never had someone to care before, for that i feel sorry.
 I know all your relations in past passed through various phases,
 I wish you realized those experiences were just bad cases.
 Everyone is not the same,love is not a game,
 getting your love was never my aim.
 I always loved you in the purest way
 I hoped you will realize it someday,
 But you didnt give yourself enough time
  and not listened to your heart
 took the most important decision consulting your mind
  and hence today we are apart.
 I never did any mistake in loving you
 will do the same in next life too.
 I wish you stay happy forever and never feel alone
 will miss you like anything till am gone.
 Your name echoes with my every heartbeat
 for me surviving each moment without u is a feat.
 My life is now going in no direction,
 I see you everywhere even in my reflection.
 Being with you forever  was my ultimate fantasy
 i love and miss you a lot my _______..


  1. its just like my heart is saying ,raulll i didnt expect this feeling comin out of u as i feel now u think more from ur mind ,ur heart speaks in night nd mine Day nd Night ;(

  2. hehe...just an outburst..nothing else...d date got better of me i guess :D
